Bill is originally from Harlem, New York. He grew up in Africa, Europe and the U.S.A. He has an MBA from IMD in Switzerland and did his doctoral work at GWU in D.C.
After stints with Chrysler, AT&T and GM in Detroit and London, Bill moved to Switzerland; went solo, and has been in the radio, music, consulting and oil business ever since. Along the way he has built and run recording studios in Africa and Switzerland, garnered a gold record, and has taught (and continues to teach) at some of the world’s leading business schools (IMD; IE; RSM; Hult; BMI; DTU).
His consulting client list has included companies such as Nestle, Volvo, HSBC and a few others.
He currently teaches and monitors start-ups in search of new opportunities, and travels between Boston, Geneva
and Rotterdam.

"Bill has over the last couple of years been helping us instigating a culture transformation at Danfoss - by moving mindsets and creating agreater entrepreneurial thinking across the organization. As one of THE best Entrepreneurship and Marketing professors in Europe, his teaching, lecturing and coaching in connection with our annual Man on the Moon Business Plan Competition has had a lasting effect on the employees who have been fortunate enough to experience Bill in full flavor - and thus he has had a significant impact on our organization. Bill is an eminent communicator, an academic entertainer who knows his stuff extremely will and combines both practical experience and academic excellence to the great benefit of his audience. Moreover, Bill has the rare ability to reach the listener at an emotional level, which swoops them up and bring across his messages in a powerful and very effective manner. His provocative style has tested our employees in a constructive way, moved them out of their comfort zone and forced them to apply unconventional thinking. We appreciate tremendously the work Bill has done for us and endorse him as the great Promoter he is;"
- Investment Manager, Danfoss Ventures, Danfoss A/S, Denmark

Bill's intervention during our Nestle Greece Digital day has been a great success .His personal style and the bright content of his message has been the " wake up call ' that we wanted our marketing organization to receive;
- Laurent Dereux, CEO Nestlé, Greece

"I was fascinated by Prof. William Carney's charismatic personality and the love of life he was radiating. His style can be best described by the following quotation from the novel Faust by Johann Wolfgang Goethe: "Dear friend, all theory is grey, and green the golden tree of life". Instead of dryly delivering the underlying truths contained in the textbooks, he kept provoking his audience with questions and emphasising the most important points illustrated by abundant audiovisual materials;"
- Sales Manager for the Baltic States, GlaxoSmithKline, Lietuva, UAB